Friday, September 02, 2005


My favourite stars are Geminie( coz mine) and my best freind's stars are Areis and Scorpio.
I believe my friends Siama & Huba (Aries) ,Kalsoom & Nagmana (scoripio) are of my best freinds and nothing in my life is complete without their contributaion so how come that i donot mention my friends on my blog !!.
so here im discussing the features of their stars.
Aries is a signal for the coming of spring, which indicates a fresh new beginning. No wonder it is the first sign of the zodiac. Aries symbolizes a young Ram that is highly adventurous, ambitious, energetic and full of enthusiasm. The people that fall under this sign are born leaders and are the pioneers both in thought and action, very open to new ideas and loves freedom. They welcome challenges and are risk takers. On their dark sides they are extremely impatient and want immediate results otherwise they would divert from their original purpose. They can’t take orders and their immense energy makes them aggressive, agitated, determined, quick-tempered and easily offended.In personal relationships Arians are frank, straightforward, loyal, candid, and make enthusiastic and generous friends. Arians are sensitive and soft-hearted people and return the kindness generously. They mind their own business and expect the same from others and get extremely irritated when others try to interfere in their business. They instil new life into their surroundings, as they are very lively people and urge others to come out of the darkness and into the light. They are the survivors in times of adversity. Arians are highly devoted to their children, even to the point of laying down their own lives, so that their children might live. One would not find a more defensive and loving parent in the entire zodiac.
Scorpio, named after the insect scorpion, is the most intense and powerful sign of the zodiac. Their jealousy is famous. No matter how calm and placid they might be from the outside there is an enraged strength of emotional energy evolving from inside them. They are like volcanoes ready to erupt at any moment so have very unpredictable personality moods. They are defined as fervent friends and subtle foes. They make excellent friends, provided that their companions do nothing of the sort that made the scorpions jealous.In social gatherings they are a pleasant and desirable company, thoughtful in conversation, dignified, and reserved, yet jovial, polite and well mannered. They are great observers and sometimes possess penetrating eyes, which makes the other person uncomfortable and defenceless before them. They are deeply sensitive and easily moved by their emotions. Scorpions become emotionally involved in their work. Over all they are very exciting people with magnetic attraction.
People born under this sign have adaptive and versatile personality. They are clever, intellectual and expressive people but on the other side they are dual-natured, indefinable, complex and contradictory. Gemini symbolizes the twins, which represents the dual mindedness of people born under this sign. This characteristic encourages the frequent changes in the mind of a Gemini; they can’t stick to one decision and for that reason they are hard to get along with. They are loving and caring fellows with a maternal touch in them, always helping those who are down or in need.Gemini are the collectors of knowledge and wit whether it may be superficial or deep. They easily grasp almost everything requiring intelligence and mental dexterity. They can handle all situations by exhibiting different characteristics in different situations. In times of adversity, they get worried, tensed and nervous easily.They hold the quality of being able to live in a pure abstract or fantasy world and possess lively imagination therefore one of the most creative of all signs. To them, life is a game, which must always be full of fresh moves and continuous entertainment, free of labour and routine. No matter how old they get, they are forever young with a playful and attractive personality; they don’t want to spend much time alone so hunt for fun and companions.


At 11:40 AM , Blogger Hasan Mubarak said...

Hey! WHat about Libras Ayesha...

At 12:18 PM , Blogger aYeShA said...

hum i dont know very much about libras...but try 2 publish that 2


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